Resume / CV


Find Me Elsewhere

A woman in light blue framed sunglasses and a green beanie hat smiling with the ocean and end of a large research vessel she's on.

Printable Resume/CV


  • Cumulative GPA: 3.80


    • Magna Cum Laude

    • President’s List (2 terms)

    • Dean’s List (5 terms)

    • Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award (Jun. 2020)


    • Rose Tucker Study Abroad Scholarship (Mar. 2017)

    • Wessinger Foundation Honors Research Scholarship (Feb. 2020)

    • Edward D. & Olive C. Bushby Scholarship (Mar. 2020)

  • June, 2020

    A multidisciplinary study of the environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability.

    Relevant Courses:

    • Applied Environmental Studies: Policy Consideration

    • Economics of Environmental Issues

    • Global Water Issues and Sustainability

    • Wetland Ecology

    • Urban Ecology

  • The Institute for Sustainable Solutions (ISS) advances sustainability research, education, and outreach at Portland State, leading the University to be a powerful catalyst and model for a more equitable, ecologically balanced, and economically vibrant future.

    • We focus on important regional issues, such as climate change, inequity, & community resilience.

    • We build long-term, collaborative relationships with partners that grow & evolve over time.

    • We are nimble & aspirational: responsive to community needs while working towards transformational change.

  • Issued by Portland State University department of Environmental Science & Management in association with the work done to design & implement my undergraduate thesis, titled: “Characterization & Distribution of Sea Surface Microplastics: an Inshore-Offshore Gradient off the Olympic Peninsula”



  • Environmental Consulting Internship (Anchor QEA)

    Physical Science Responsible Code of Research (CITI Program)

    • Literature Review & Synthesis

    • Data Collection, Entry & Visualization

    • Team Goal Management & Task Delegation

    • Experimental Design & Assessment for Pseudoreplication Pitfalls

    • Survey + Interview Design, Implementation & Coding

    • Inter-disciplinary/industry Collaboration

    • Creative, Adaptable Problem Solving

    • Rapid Stream Assessment

    • Water Quality Assessment

    • Macroinvertebrate EPT Diversity Index

    • Soil Compaction Impacts

    • Microplastic Sampling: aquatic, sediment & aerial deposition

    • Observational Field Notetaking

    • Behavioral Observation

    • Sterile Fume Hood Technique

    • Lab Management & Organization

    • Chemical Inventory

    • Microscopy, Photography & Slide Preparation

    • Data Mining & Validation

    • Database Design, Input & Analysis Procedures

    • Complex Literature Review Management & Synthesis

    • Integration of Cross-Referential Systems

    • Data Visualization

    • Up to Date on Literature & Best Practices

    • Sample collection: Aquatic, Sediment, Aerial Deposition

    • Contamination control, QA/QC

    • Digestion (10% KOH) & Drying

    • Sieving, Density Separation, Sample Filtration

    • Nile Red Dye & Fluorescence

    • Identification & Characterization

    • Micro-FTIR & Raman Spectroscopy Sample Preparation

    • Technical Writing

    • Poster Production

    • Conference Presentation & Public Speaking

    • Interdisciplinary Stakeholder Engagement

    • Educational Outreach with the Public

    • Microsoft Office

    • LucidChart

    • ArcGIS Pro / ESRI

    • R.Studio

    • CooRecorder - Dendrochronology

    • Linux Operating System

    • Label & Providence Management

    • Relaxing & Pinning

    • Point & Card Mounting

    • Alcohol Preservation

    • Gray Dogwood

    • Elderberry

    • American Hazelnut

    • Serviceberry

    • Blueberry (Highbush & Lowbush)

    • Oak (White & Red)

    • Pine (White)

    • Black Cherry

    • Red Raspberry

    • Arrowwood

    • Autumn Olive

    • Black Walnut

    • Ash

    • Multi-flora Rose

    • Deadnettle

    • Hawkweed

    • Jewelweed

    • Stinging Nettle

    • Queen Anne’s Lace

    • Plantain

    • Mullein

    • Feverfew

    • Flea’s Bane

    • Lamb’s Quarter

    • Apple Mint

Current Work Experience

Previous Experience