Marine Microplastic Researcher

June 2019 - July 2021

Applied Coastal Ecology - Portland, OR

Honors Thesis: Sea Surface Microplastics: an Inshore-Offshore Gradient Off the Olympic Peninsula

The proposed methods were presented at the Seattle Aquarium's Microplastic Methodology Workshop on Oct. 1-2, 2019 and the 30th annual Pacific Northwest regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (PNW-SETAC) virtual conference on April 15-16, 2021. The final thesis was awarded the 2020 Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award by the Environmental Science & Management department of Portland State University in the spring of 2020.

  • Designed research methodologies based on a current literature review in the emerging field of microplastic research

  • Collected marine field samples on the NOAA Research vessel Bell M. Shimada over the course of 10 days

  • Digestion of organic matter on samples via 10% KOH dilution

  • Design & implementation of quality control and quality assurance of data integrity via lab controls, filtration, and thorough cleaning of materials

  • Microscope lab identification, analysis & photography - proportions & types of microplastics (morphology & polymer type)


Wood, Rosemary, "Sea Surface Microplastics: an Inshore-Offshore Gradient Off the Olympic Peninsula" (2020). University Honors Theses. Paper 905.


Rough Lab Methods to Share:

Filtration of DI water

2020 Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award Ceremony


Freshwater Microplastic Researcher & Co-Author


NOAA Marine Survey Research Volunteer