Portfolio of Work

Past Project R. Wood Past Project R. Wood

Lethal Removal In Species Conservation Management - Literature Review for ODFW

Oregon Fish & Wildlife Manager Robin Bown was our community partner in Dr. Cat de Rivera's Ecology of Bioinvasions class - the goal being to provide her with a detailed annotated bibliography focused on the methods, outcome and stakeholder engagement of conservation plans utilizing lethal removal of invasive species in favor of the conservation species. This bibliography contributed to Robin Bown's planning & outreach for upcoming conservation efforts removing Barred Owls in favor of Spotted Owls within the Northwest Forest Plan.

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Past Project R. Wood Past Project R. Wood

Urban vs. Rural Rapid Stream Assessment – Comparing Johnson Creek & Eagle Creek Reaches in the PNW

The EPA’s Rapid Stream Assessment protocols were used to survey two streams just outside Portland, OR. Using these two watersheds & streams we tried to assess whether the level of urbanization within each watershed had a significant impact on stream health. Using assessment of physical characteristics, water quality (conductivity, %EPT % turbidity), and survey techniques to map depth/flow we were able to discern a significant (Wilcox nonparametric t-test, p<0.05) difference between each streams’ means & compare the land use patterns to fill in the contextual shift of inputs between 2001-2011. It was found that Johnson Creek has the markers of ‘urban stream syndrome’ described by Burton et al in 2009 – a useful comparison for Eagle Creek which may see increased low impact development and shifts in vegetative structures.

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Past Project R. Wood Past Project R. Wood

Focal Species Recommendations for Oregon's System of Marine Reserves

This project aims to provide ODFW with a succinct list of nearshore marine species recommended for the 2023 programmatic review of monitoring efforts. The 2023 programmatic review will be a massive task for ODFW, a minimally staffed agency, so in attempt to make this report the most useful, we focused on species ODFW has already determined to be in need of future conservation efforts as outlined in the 2012 ODFW ‘Oregon Nearshore Strategy’ and we support and supplement our arguments with a selective literature review.

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Past Project R. Wood Past Project R. Wood

Permits & Zoning: Influence of Gentrification on the Production, Distribution, Maintenance & Destruction of Public Art Identity

Studying the spatial distribution of public art in Portland, OR in comparison to transit veins, Design Overlay Zones within the zoning code, permit status, and demographic data collected from IRB approved surveys and interviews. Other topics addressed within those methods are the frequency of perceived themes in murals and the perception of the destruction/replacement of public art.

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Past Project R. Wood Past Project R. Wood

The Effect of Increasing Connectivity for Urban Bee Populations -Hypothetical Proposal

An urban ecology proposal for a hypothetical project in Portland, Oregon focused on how the local genetic diversity of two native, vulnerable/declining bumblebee species - Obscure Bumblebee (Bombus caliginosus) & Yellow Bumblebee (Bombus fervidus) - could would be affected by the increase of bioswales, ‘hell/healthstrip’ & median planting conversions. The goal of the project would be to use urban-greening & intentional plantings to address habitat fragmentation - creating connectivity pathways between populations that have become isolated due to urbanization.

(Photo: Kara Keating-Stuart via xerces.org)

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