Spatial & Seasonal Variations of Microplastic Concentrations in Portland's Freshwater Ecosystems

As a researcher & contributing author I got to collaborate with Rebecca Talbot on her project researching the microplastic sample concentrations in Portland, Oregon’s freshwater systems was an incredible experience. Between assisting in the development and implementation of her field collection methods along with the process to characterize those samples in the lab - it felt brilliant to bring my skills to a monitoring area wherein there is no current baseline. At the time, Portland had very limited context for the extent of microplastic pollution in local rivers, particularly addressing temporal variation.

This research project was a joy to work on with a valuable contribution to the field. I’m excited to say that this project was just accepted for publication in Science of The Total Environment! Details coming soon.


Clothes Encounters of the Microfibre Kind: The effects of natural and synthetic textiles on organisms


Characterization & Distribution of Sea Surface Microplastics: an Inshore-Offshore Gradient off the Olympic Peninsula