Lethal Removal In Species Conservation Management - Literature Review for ODFW

Oregon Fish & Wildlife Manager Robin Bown was our community partner in Dr. Cat de Rivera's Ecology of Bioinvasions class - the goal being to provide her with a detailed annotated bibliography focused on the methods, outcome and stakeholder engagement of conservation plans utilizing lethal removal of invasive species in favor of the conservation species. This bibliography contributed to Robin Bown's planning & outreach for upcoming conservation efforts removing Barred Owls in favor of Spotted Owls within the Northwest Forest Plan.

Complete List of Project Contributors:

Rosemary (Rosie) Wood, Sarah Rhodig, Ronny Moffett, Hanna Lee, Brittney Campos


Heavy Metal Accumulation in Bioswales Over Time


Urban vs. Rural Rapid Stream Assessment – Comparing Johnson Creek & Eagle Creek Reaches in the PNW