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30th Annual PNW-SETAC Virtual Conference: Pacific Northwest Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
to Apr 16

30th Annual PNW-SETAC Virtual Conference: Pacific Northwest Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

PNW-SETAC: The Pacific Northwest Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry

PNW-SETAC is the Pacific Northwest regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - North America (SETAC NA). It encompasses the largest geographical area within SETAC and includes Alaska, Washington, Idaho, and Oregon, as well as British Columbia, Canada.

This conference was in collaboration between PNW-SETAC & the Pacific Northwest Consortium on Plastics.

Attended as member of the microplastic researcher community, to stay up to date with the current research, and support the ACE Lab members that were presenting:

Alexandra Tissot - The Silence of the Clams: The Sub-lethal Effects of Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Forestry Use Pesticides on Adult Soft Shell Clams

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Western Society of Naturalists Conference: 2020 - Poster Presentation
to Nov 8

Western Society of Naturalists Conference: 2020 - Poster Presentation

The Western Society of Naturalists 101st Annual Meeting was held virtually from November 5-8, 2020.

Schedule Overview

Page 214-215


The lack of data on plastic debris in various environmental compartments creates a vast data gap for many reasons. These include no codified methodology to characterize microplastics by morphology and polymer type, as well as gaps regarding contamination control & validation techniques. In September 2019, sea surface samples were collected off the Olympic Peninsula, WA to address three research questions. First, is variability in microplastic abundance driven by transect location and/or distance from shore Second, how does microplastic morphology and polymer composition vary relative to transect location and distance from shore? Third, which environmental variables contribute to patterns of microplastic variability in abundance and type? The project provides a distribution-abundance baseline for sea surface microplastics (2-3mdeep) along two transects: La Push & Grays Harbor, WA, USA. Organic matter was digested using a KOH solution. After measuring, photographing, and counting MPs via a dissection microscope, lipophilic Nile Red dye (10µg/mL) was applied, MPs were fluoresced at 455nm & counted again. Metrics to count & characterize the MPs found were: size (>63um), color, morphology (fragment, film, fiber, fiber bundle, foam, microbead, other), and polymer type via micro-FTIR. Microplastics count/type, independent environmental conditions, and location data will be analyzed using a t-test. Multiple regression will be used to identify relationships to environmental variables and an NMDS ordination to compare dissimilarity within the multivariate characterization data.

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