Events, Consortiums & Conferences

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Glauconitic Sand: A New Geohazard for Offshore Wind?
to May 26

Glauconitic Sand: A New Geohazard for Offshore Wind?

Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists (New York - Philadelphia Chapter)

Dr. Zack Westgate (Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst) presented a review of the geological basis for glauconitic sand formation (also known as ‘greensand’), described its depositional environment and maturation process, and presents examples of its geotechnical characteristics. Insights into the impact of glauconitic sands on offshore foundation installation and performance for offshore wind were discussed.

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The Intersectional Environmentalist with Leah Thomas: Book Reading & Q+A

The Intersectional Environmentalist with Leah Thomas: Book Reading & Q+A

Organized by Portland State Univeristy’s Student Sustainability Center

The webinar event features discussion as well as Q&A engagement with Leah Thomas, Founder of Intersectional Environmentalist & Author of The Intersectional Environmentalist: How to Dismantle Systems of Oppression to Protect People + Planet.

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Pacific Northwest Consortium on Plastics - Spring Teleconference

Pacific Northwest Consortium on Plastics - Spring Teleconference

Consortium Mission: The Pacific Northwest Consortium on Plastics is dedicated to conducting reliable, science-based research to uncover the risks associated with micro and nanoplastic particles to aquatic life. This research is critical to informing risk management decisions regarding the protection of our environment and essential fisheries and aquaculture commodities.

Spring Teleconference: Remarks from state lawmakers on plastics legislation, updates on research, and opportunities to connect and brainstorm with colleagues.

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30th Annual PNW-SETAC Virtual Conference: Pacific Northwest Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
to Apr 16

30th Annual PNW-SETAC Virtual Conference: Pacific Northwest Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

PNW-SETAC: The Pacific Northwest Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry

PNW-SETAC is the Pacific Northwest regional Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - North America (SETAC NA). It encompasses the largest geographical area within SETAC and includes Alaska, Washington, Idaho, and Oregon, as well as British Columbia, Canada.

This conference was in collaboration between PNW-SETAC & the Pacific Northwest Consortium on Plastics.

Attended as member of the microplastic researcher community, to stay up to date with the current research, and support the ACE Lab members that were presenting:

Alexandra Tissot - The Silence of the Clams: The Sub-lethal Effects of Environmentally Relevant Concentrations of Forestry Use Pesticides on Adult Soft Shell Clams

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