Clothes Encounters of the Microfibre Kind: The effects of natural and synthetic textiles on organisms

Contributing Author for a book chapter titled "Clothes Encounters of the Microfibre Kind: The effects of natural and synthetic textiles on organisms" that is currently under review for publication in May, 2022 as a book chapter in “Polluting Textiles: The Problem with Microfibres” by Routledge Taylor & Francis. This literature review chapter was structured through the Applied Coastal Ecology Lab. This chapter reviews the current knowledge on impacts ranging from subcellular to population levels and organisms of both terrestrial & aquatic nature.

The full list of contributing authors include: Elise F. Granek, Summer D. Traylor, Alexandra G. Tissot, Paul T. Hurst, Rosemary S. Wood, and Susanne Brander

Division of Impacts found: Accumulation in Body, Adverse Immune Response, Adverse Reproductive Response, Behavioral Change, Cellular/Subcellular Response, Growth Development, Inflammation, Neurological, Oxidative Stress, Physical Organ Damage, Survivorship or Mortality

Organisms Addressed: Bivalves, Coral, Annelid Worms, Crustaceans, Humans, Nematodes, Rodents, Echinoderms, Fish, Terrestrial Snails, Zooplankton, Terrestrial Vegetation, Worms, Cnidarians, Microphytobenthos


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