Rosemary Wood

Environmental Scientist & Manager

Accessible Monitoring Toolkits

Landscape Management

Water Resources

Project Design


Interdisciplinary & Applied Research


Field Surveys

Lab Analytics

Accessible Monitoring Toolkits — Landscape Management — Water Resources — Project Design — Microplastics — Interdisciplinary & Applied Research — Conservation — Field Surveys — Lab Analytics —

Get to know me!

Find out who I am, the driving forces of my work & why I focus on what I do

Attentive, detail-oriented & passionate environmental scientist with experience developing interdisciplinary research projects seeking a position utilizing my skills from field & laboratory settings, designing & managing projects, professionally presenting my work & translating complex scientific issues to the public.

  • Previous Work Experience

    Examine the relationships I’ve had with my previous positions, what I learned and how I’ve grown through those experiences

  • Projects & Deliverables

    Delve into the projects that I’ve been a part of and those I’m working on now

  • Partnerships & Community

    Connecting with communities having necessary conversations & acting on the results of those conversations

  • Science Communication

    Sharing my work, contributing to discourse & staying informed on current best practices. Find out more about the events & conferences I’ve been a part of

Science Doesn’t Exist in a Vacuum

Scientific circles have a responsibility to the communities they work within & impact - directly or indirectly. Scientists, as well as the structures they function within, must be conscious of & accountable to their social/ethical commitments. This includes considering actionable information over ‘pure theory’ and updating the context of those commitments as new information comes to light.

In my work I seek to honor the landscapes and communities I’ve learned from & shared with. I’m grateful to those who sowed seeds, encouraged exploration through wonder & tended to the idea of stewardship as more than an action but as way of walking within while along side the world.

Guiding Principles

The inclusion of these principles fundamental to the curation of responsible scientific inquiry & management.

  • Black & Indigenous Lives Matter

  • Social Responsibility

  • Environmental Justice & Equity

  • Science Communication

  • Integrity

  • Systems Approach

  • Actionable Science

  • Precautionary Principle


Please feel free to reach out!

  • Further info on a project

  • Share a research proposal idea

  • Want to collaborate

  • Provide perspectives or constructive feedback on a given topic/approach

  • Just want to say hello!